Author | Image | Text | Language |
Lermontov, Mikhail |
Mikhail Lermontov |
Russian | |
Liedtke, Klaus-Jürgen |
© Hanna Sjöberg |
Der knorrige Stamm: Demut als Edelmut in der finnlandschwedischen Literatur (Translation of an Essay by Clas Zilliacus from Swedish)
Am Strand (Translation of "Vid stranden" from Swedish)
Fragment (Translation from Swedish)
Was ist mein Heimatland... (Translation of "Vad är mitt hemland" from Swedish)
Hoffnung (Translation of "Förhoppning" from Swedish)
Das Jüdische Theater in Kowno (Translation of "Judiska teatern i Kovno" from Swedish)
Vor dem Grab des unbekannten Soldaten... (Translation of "Utanför den okände soldatens grav" from Swedish)
Frühling in Kaunas (Translation of "Vår i Kaunas" from Swedish)
Eine Wallfahrt - 1938 (Translation of "En vallfart - 1938" from Swedish)
Aus dem Leben eines Wanderlappen (Translation of "En nomad och hans liv" from Swedish)
Impa und seine Söhne, oder wie man die Lappen zwang, Silbererz von Silpatjåkko und Alkavare nach Kvikkjokk zu fahren (Translation of "Impa och hans söner" from Swedish)
German |
Likhachov, Dmitry |
Dmitry Likhachov © Igor Palmin |
Russian | |
Liljegren, Eva |
Eva Liljegren |
Effi Briest (Translation from German) |
Swedish |
Lindgens, Elna |
Das Alexandria der Ostsee (Translation of an Essay by Johannes Salminen from Swedish)
Grenzen und Grenzpolitik oder Ein russisches Ei des Kolumbus (Translation of an Essay by René Nyberg from Swedish)
Weiße Nächte und schwarze (Translation of a Letter by Johannes Salminen from Swedish) |
German |
Lindgren, Astrid |
Astrid Lindgren © Jacob Forsell |
Swedish | |
Lindquist, Sven-Olof |
© private |
Swedish | |
Linné, Carl von |
Carl von Linné |
Swedish | |
Ljosland, Knut |
Knut Ljosland |
Lettiske songar (Translation of "Lettische Lieder" from German) |
Norwegian |
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth |
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow |
Annie of Tharaw (Translation of "Anke van Tharaw" from German) |
English |
Lönnqvist, Barbara |
Barbara Lönnqvist |
Petrograd 1919 (Translation of "Петроград, 1919" from Russian) I Viborg (Translation of "В Выборге" from Russian) |
Swedish |
Lönnrot, Elias |
Elias Lönnrot |
Finnish | |
Luik, Viivi |
© Piia Ruber |
Estonian | |
Lundberg, Ulla-Lena |
Ulla-Lena Lundberg © commons.wikimedia |
Swedish | |
Lyngstad, Sverre |
Sverre Lyngstad |
In Wonderland (Translation of "I Æventyrland" from Norwegian)
Novel 11, Book 18 (Translation of "Ellevte roman, bok atten" from Norwegian) |
English |
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