
Born in Copenhagen in 1957.
MA Italian and English Literature, University of Copenhagen.
Novelist (Manden fra Mars, 1994, Vestaltinderoman, 1998, Ild, is og måneskin, 2001, Simos passion, 2007, all published by Rosinante, Copenhagen). Translator of English and Italian fiction and drama (Luigi Pirandello, Tommaso Landolfi, Giulio Leone, Pino Arlacchi, David Mamet, Howard Barker).
Head of Translation Centre, University of Copenhagen since 1993. Lecturer, University of Copenhagen.
Editor and writer of books and articles about translation theory. Co-editor of literary websites: Liffey Project, Readme.com. Radio producer and documentalist, Danmarks Radio
oc (at) hum.ku.dk

Born in Kohtla-Järve in 1968.
Graduation from Tartu University (Estonian language and literature), 1991.
Assistant in Literature Section of Institute of Language and Literature, 1991.
Assistant at the Chair of Literature of Tallinn Pedagogical University, 1992.
Russian translator in Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 1992 – 1998.
Head of the Translation Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Tallinn, 1998 – 2008. Office Manager in Estonian Writers' Union, September 2008 till present.
Involved in several projects of Under and Tuglas Literature Centre (e.g. Estonian Exile Literature in the 20th Century).
ingrid.velbaumstaub (at) gmail.com

Born in Mikkeli in 1952.
M.A. (1987) and Licentiate (1992) in philosophy:
PhD, Cultural History, The University of Turku , 1995;
dissertation: Nykyajan sininen kukka: Olavi Paavolainen ja nykyaika. (The blue Flower of Modern Times. Olavi Paavolainen and the Modernity);
City librarian, Turku City Library, 1992 till present
Researcher at the Academy of Finland in the project Olavi Paavolainen suomalaisessa kulttuurissa ,1989-1991. (Olavi Paavolainen's role in the Finnish Culture), supervisor in the project, 2002–2005: Kirjoittamisen maailmat. Naisten kirjoittamisen kulttuurihistoria, 1880-1950. (A Pen of One's Own – Cultural History of Women's Writing, 1880–1950), 2002-2005;
Lecturer and supervisor in seminars on “Gender and Modernity” at the university of Turku , 1998/1999;
Several articles and monographs, mainly on gender and modernity, and recently on female travellers and travel literature (Matkalla kotona Kyllikki Villan matkapäiväkirjoista. Turku : Faros 2008. -A study about the translator Kyllikki Villa's travel diaries;
Aino Kallas. Tulkintoja elämästä ja tuotannosta. Ed. Maarit Leskelä-Kärki, Kukku Melkas, R. H. Helsinki: BTJ 2009.)
ritva.hapuli (at) turku.fi

Born in Königsberg in 1938.
Dr. phil. (PhD) 1968 at Kiel University, 1968-1973 ‚Lektor‘ of German Language and Literature at London and Helsinki Universities, 1973-2002 Akademischer Rat/Direktor and Professor for Modern German Literature, Habilitation 1988.
publications: Das Spiegelmotiv bei Clemens Brentano. Studie zum romantischen Ich-Bewußtsein, (Mirror Motifs in the Work of C.B.. A Study in Romantic Self-Awareness) Frankfurt/M. 1972; Brecht in Finnland. Studien zu Leben und Werk 1940-1941, Frankfurt/M 2007.
Editor of Eino Leino (Outlines of Finnish Literature, Slg Trajekt 1980); J.V.Snellman (Journey through Germany 1840-1841, Slg Trajekt 1984); Wuolijoki/Brecht: Das Estnische Kriegslied, Slg Trajekt 1984; Brecht: Herr Puntila und sein Knecht Matti (Materialien, edition suhrkamp1987); Yamamoto Yuzo/ Bertolt Brecht u.a.: Die Judith von Shimoda. Rekonstruktion einer Spielfassung, edition suhrkamp 2006; Regensburger Skripten zur Literaturwissenschaft (27 vols and 5 reprints, 1996-2006).
Editorial board of and contributions to the yearbook „Trajekt“, 1981-1986 edited by Manfred Peter Hein.
Articles and contributions on the Anecdote as literary genre, on an episode in Philip Sidney's „Arcadia“ and its impact on Cervantes, Wieland, Fontane and others, on Bürger and Lichtenberg, on Romanticism, on Hoffmann von Fallersleben, Alfons Paquet, Arnold Zweig, Bertolt Brecht (frequently), on Brecht-Wuolijoki, Brecht-Benjamin, Brecht-Bacon, on M.-L. Fleißer etc
neureuter.hanspeter (at) t-online.de

© Ingólfur Júlíusson
Born in Akureyri, Iceland, in 1956.
Mag. Art. in literary studies, University of Copenhagen 1989
BA in Icelandic and literary studies, University of Iceland 1980.
Executive director of the Reykjavík Academy , September 1, 2005 - March 31, 2010.
Independent scholar and part-time university teacher in Iceland and Denmark 1994-2005. September 1992 - August 1994: Assistant Professor in Icelandic, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada. Independent scholar, April 2010 - present.
Publications: A large number of articles on Icelandic literature and culture in past and present.
Gæfuleit. Ævisaga Þorsteins M. Jónssonar. 2005 (The Quest for Luck. The Biography of Þorsteinnn M. Jónsson) Akureyri: Hólar.
Andvökuskáld – ævisaga Stephans G. Stephanssonar Síðara bindi 2003. (The Poet of Wakeful Nights The biography of Stephan G. Stephansson, vol.2) Reykjavík: Bjartur.
Landneminn mikli – ævisaga Stephans G. Stephanssonar Fyrra bindi 2002 (The Great Settler. The biography of Stephan G. Stephansson, vol. 1). Reykjavík: Bjartur.
The Complete Sagas of Icelanders I-V 1997. (General editor, other members of the editorial committee: Robert Cook, Terry Gunnell, Keneva Kunz and Bernard Scudder) Reykjavík: Bókaútgáfan Leifur Eiríksson.
A number of grants and awards, among them the annual prize of the Icelandic Academic Authors' Association for the best scholarly work 2003 (A two volume biography of Stephan G. Stephansson).
vidar (at) akademia.is

Born 1950 in Viersen (Rhineland, Germany).
Novelist, essayist, translator of English and French fiction and non-fiction. Studied German language and literature, sociology and philosophy in Berlin, Paris, Cologne and Frankfurt. Lives in Frankfurt. - Among many other works he edited together with Elena Balzamo a large selection of texts from Olaus Magnus' Historia de gentibus septentrionalibus (1555) and his Carta marina (1539): Olaus Magnus, Die Wunder des Nordens, Frankfurt am Main 2006 (Die Andere Bibliothek, Bd. 261).
Internet: www.reinhardkaiser.com

Born 1981 in Auce, Latvia. Lives in Riga.
Poet, literary translator; editor of the Latvian online portal “¼ Satori” (www.satori.lv), covering the main affairs in Latvian culture, philosophy and independent thought.
Has studied applied arts, sculpture and languages; graduated the Academy of Culture in Latvia, studies of intercultural relations Latvia-Poland; done MA studies of languages and culture theory 2005 – 2008; since 2010 working on a doctoral thesis on the poetry translations into Latvian at the Academy of Culture in Latvia.
Holds the Best Debut Prize in Latvian Literature 2007 for her poetry book: “Hard Candies to Cut the Tongue” and the special prize from the Latvju Teksti quarterly for the best poetry translation of the year 2010 (of a volume by Adam Zagajewski).
Author of numerous poetry translations, mainly from English and Polish, into Latvian. Her own poems are translated into Czech, English, Lithuanian, Polish, Russian, Slovenian, and Swedish. Co-organizer of international literary events in Latvia and abroad.
ingmara.balode (at) gmail.com

Born in 1971 in Kaunas, Lithuania.
BA in Lithuanian Philology and Theatrology, University of Klaipeda, 1994.
MA in Philology, University of Klaipeda, 1995.
PhD in the Humanities, Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas, 2002.
Secondary school teacher of the Lithuanian literature and language, 1995- 1996.
Lecturer at Vytautas Magnus University, 1996 - 2002.
Producer and programme presenter of a radio programme on literature at the Lithuanian National Radio, of the literary saloon at G. K. Slavinskas gallery and of the international gallery project “View-Word-Sound”, 1997/1998.
Author: several collections of poems, 1998, 2003, 2008.
Translator from Latvian: Liana Langa “Vienisieji / Bezpiederigie”, Nemunas, Kaunas, 2008.
Since 2003 work for the division of culture at the Kaunas city municipality.
Since 2010 board member of the Lithuanian Union of Writers.
drungytee (at) gmail.com

© D. Oltmanns
Born in Finnsnes in 1968.
Grew up in Bodø in the north of Norway.
He made his debut as a writer in 1993 with the novel Tittelløs (Without title).
His most recent publication was a collection of literary essays in 2009, Livet! Litteraturen! (The Life! The Literature), for which he was named “Critic of the Year” by the Norwegian Critics Association.
Øverås has a degree in comparative literature and worked for several years as the editor of the Norwegian literary review Vinduet. Today he divides his time between northern Norway and Berlin.
teos (at) online.no

Born in Strzelce Opolskie in 1964.
M.A. in Swedish Philology, Krakow, “Between Tradition and Modernism. A Narratologic Study in Hjalmar Bergman's Novel the Memoirs of a Death”, 1994;
Ph.D. Seminars Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland and
University of Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden, 1994-1998;
Habilitation with “A New Cosmos. Strindberg, Science and Signs”, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, 2009.
Ph.D. in Swedish Philology “Hjalmar Bergman's Novel: Me, Ljung and Medardus as an Autobiographical Text“ , Jagiellonian University, Krakow, 2003;
Aissistant Professor, German Swedish Department, teaching history of Swedish literature, Swedish, culture and politics, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland, 2000 - present
(1991 – 1999 Adjunct Professor);
Expert on German and Swedish literature,Wydawnictwo Literackie, publishing house Krakow, Poland (1995 - 2009);
Literary critic and translator ( articles published by leading Polish newspapers and magazines: Rzeczpospolita, Tygodnik Powszechny, Odra, Literatura na Świecie, Didaskalia, Dekada literacka);
Travel writer and photographer (stories and photographs published in: Rzeczpospolita, Gazeta Wyborcza, Przekrój, Voyage, Tygodnik Powszechny about topics like religious rituals in India, the Jewish minority in Uzbekistan, tribal markets in Northern Vietnam, minorities in Romania, religion in Guatemala and Mexico, postwar Cambodia etc.)
janbalbierz (at) hotmail.com

Born in Enge/Germany in 1950.
Scandinavian, German and American Studies in Kiel, Uppsala, Berlin and Turku.
Poet („Scherben Leben Brocken Tod. Gedichte 1969-99“. Berlin: Gemini 2001), prose writer („Die versunkene Welt. Ein ostpreußisches Dorf in Erzählungen der Leute“. Frankfurt/Main: Eichborn 2008) and translator of Swedish and Finnish-Swedish fiction since 1977 (Gunnar Ekelöf in 7 volumes, Göran Sonnevi, Lennart Sjögren, Bo Carpelan, Elmer Diktonius, Edith Södergran, Carl Jonas Love Almquist, Kjell Espmark, etc). Member of the German Writers' Union, PEN Germany, the Baltic Writers' Council Visby and the Three Seas Writers and Translators' Council Rhodos. Member of the board of the Johannes-Bobrowski-Society. In 2000 interim director at the Baltic Centre for Writers and Translators in Visby. Various scholarships and awards, among others Translators' prize of the Swedish Academy 1993 and 2004 and the Paul-Celan-Prize for Literary Translation 2005.
berg (at) snoe.in-berlin.de

Born in St. Petersburg in 1976.
PhD in Comparative Literature, St. Petersburg State University , Philological Department, Swedish and English, 2001.
Candidate of Philology, 2002(Thesis: Family Relations Theme in the Post-Inferno works by August Strindberg)
Visiting studies in linguistics and comparative literature, Lund and Uppsala universities, 1996, 2000 and 2007.
2007 associate professor of Swedish and Nordic Literature at
The Department of Scandinavian Languages, St. Petersburg State University , (assistant professor since 2002).
Experienced translator and interpreter at different occasions in different fields.
Since 2007 member of Anna Savitskaya's Seminar on Translation of Swedish Literature and Fiction, coauthor of the translators' “samlingsvolum”of ca 20 short stories by Swedish writers translated into Russian.
Published over 20 articles on Swedish Literature and Culture (on Strindberg, Hjalmar Söderberg, P.C. Jersild, P.O. Enquist et c.)
Latest publication: a study containing two separate chapters on P.O.Enquist and P.C. Jersild
Participated in different conferences on Nordic Studies and Comparative Literature.
Prime field of research at present: P.O. Enquist, P.C. Jersild, newest Swedish literature(S.Alakoski, C.Burman m.m.)
lisichka2001 (at) yahoo.com
Johanna Domokos
© Irma SwahnJohanna Domokos obtained her MAs in Hungarian and English Studies at University of Cluj (1994), in Finno-Ugric Studies at University of Szeged (1994), and in Semiotics at Technical University Berlin, (2001), her PhD in comparative literature at University of Szeged (1999) and "venia legendi" at Lorand Eötvös University, Budapest (2011). Her work focuses on multicultural and multilingual aspects of certain literatures in North and East Europe (esp. Finnish, Saami and Hungarian). She has published extensively on multicultural studies, translation theory and practice, and intersections of linguistics, poetics and semiotics. Johanna Domokos has taught at various European and American Universities.
Dr. habil. Johanna DOMOKOS University Professor |

Born in Mariehamn (Åland Islands), Finland in 1943.
Studied English and Comparative Literature at Åbo Akademi University (Finland) and TCD Dublin, research study at Columbia U. (NYC). Ph.D. from ÅA U. (Beckett and Broadcasting, 1976). Opinionens tryck 1985; Gen. Ed., Finlands svenska litteraturhistoria II (1900-talet) 2000; Coeditor, Z. Topelius Lyrik I (2010).
ÅA U. Professor of Comp. Lit. 1986-2008. Faculty Dean 2001-2002. Visiting prof., U. of Minnesota, 1996. Academia Europaea fellow 1995.
Board member, The Samuel Beckett Society 1995-1999, The Swedish Literature Society of Finland 2003- , International Assoc. of Scandinavian Studies 2000-2010. On the team for the almanac and book series Trajekt 1981-1986.
Translator (Eng., Finn., Ger. &c.). Awards include the Finnish State prize for Hamlet (Sw.) 1984 and the Swedish Academy Finland prize 1995.