Susanne Bonn, born in 1967, began her career as a secretary with the European Space Agency and went on to collect degrees in translation, history and music.
In 1997, she started out as a freelance translator of games and non-fiction.
Born in Frankfurt/Oder in 1956, Christine Hengevoß grew up in Frankfurt/Oder and Moscow. She studied Slavic and English at the Potsdam University of Education and worked as a foreign language teacher.

She has been a freelance literary translator, mainly from Russian, since 2012.

Dr. Valeska Henze is a Berlin-born author, translator & lecturer. She studied political science in Berlin and Sweden, researched political culture in Sweden and Poland, and has worked as a translator from English, Swedish, Danish, and Norwegian since 2008, primarily for non-fiction and science.
Yvonne Eglinger, born in 1988, studied Literary Translation in Düsseldorf and is now working as a freelance translator in Freiburg, Breisgau. She mainly translates novels and non-fictional works from English and French into German, including books by Jacqueline Woodson, Margaret Atwood and Alice Zeniter.
Elvira Willems is a German literary translator.
Born in 1961, she studied German Language and Literature and Comparative Studies at the University in Saarbrücken. Her fond love for travelling literature lead to a Master of Arts paper about women travelling in Italy in the 19th century. She has trained as a bookseller and worked in bookshops, libraries and publishing houses before turning to translate English literature in 1996.
After some moving around in Germany she now lives in the north of Germany not far from the Baltic Sea where she translates, tends her garden and does artists books and other artsy stuff (
Caren Gäbel, born 1995 in Speyer (Germany), studied Philosophy and Scandinavian studies at Christian-Albrechts-Universität in Kiel. 

After working in publishing and in a literary agency, she is currently working at the Literaturhaus Schleswig-Holstein in Kiel (Northern Germany at the Baltic Sea), organizing and moderating literary events.