Translator from Swedish to English, living in Stockholm.
Johannes Göransson, living in the US, is the coeditor of Action Books and the online quarterly Action. Göransson was a guest editor of the Winter 2006 special Swedish issue of the journal Typo, which featured substantial selections of work by major Swedish-language Modernists and contemporary poets.
He published selected translated poems by Aase Berg in 2005 and the collection Ideals Clearance by Henry Parland at Ugly Duckling Presse, Brooklyn, NY, in 2007 and Transfer Fat by Aase Berg, and co-authored Deformation Zone: On Translation with Joyelle McSweeney.

Vyt Bakaitis, a native of Lithuania, has been living in New York City since 1968. Two books of his poems are still in print: City Country (Black Thistle Press, NYC, 1996), and Deliberate Proof (Lunar Chandelier Press, Brooklyn NY, 2010).  CON/STRUCTS, his book of visual poems and photographs, came out in a limited edition (Arunas K. Photo+Graphics, NYC, 2001).

Vyt has also published translations of poetry from several languages. His versions of the classic Romantics Hölderlin and Mickiewicz are included in World Poetry (W. W. Norton, 1998). In 1996 his versions of two early books of Lithuanian poems by Jonas Mekas, Idylls of Semeniskiai and Reminiscences, came out in a bi-lingual edition (There Is No Ithaca, Black Thistle Press). The Lithuanian Writers’ Union subsequently published two bi-lingual volumes of his selections from 20th-century Lithuanian poetry: XL Poems by Julius Keleras (1998) and the anthology Breathing Free (2001). In 2003, Daybooks 1970-1972, the second book of his translations from Mekas appeared (Portable Press at Yo-Yo Labs, NYC).

John Irons (b. 1942) studied modern languages at Cambridge, where he did his doctorate on poetic imagery in the writing of a Dutch poet. He moved permanently to Scandinavia in 1968, and has lived in Denmark and Sweden ever since. He has been a professional translator from various languages into English for the past 30 years, his speciality being the translation of poetry. He also translates for the Hans Christian Andersen Centre in Odense, Denmark.
Gina Ochsner is the author of The Hidden Letters of Velta B., a poetic story about family relationships, The Russian Dreambook of Color and Flight, a novel long-listed for the Orange Prize, and two story collections. Her awards include the Flannery O’Connor Award, the William Faulkner Prize, the Oregon Book Award, Guggenheim and NEA grants, and the Raymond Carver Prize.
She is teaching at Corban University where she also directs the Portals Writing Conference.
Ochsner also teaches with the Seattle Pacific Low-Residency MFA program.

John E. Woods was born in Indiana in 1942. He lived in Berlin, Germany, where he died in February 2023. He has worked as an editor and is the translator from the German of over forty books. Among the authors he has translated are: Thomas Mann, Alfred Döblin, Arno Schmidt, Patrick Süskind, Christoph Ransmayr, Libuse Monikova, and Ingo Schulze. His prizes and awards include: the American Book Award for Translation and the PEN Translation Prize (1981) for Arno Schmidt, Evening Edged in Gold; the PEN Translation Prize (1987) for Patrick Süskind, Perfume; the Schlegel-Tieck Prize for Translation (1990) for Christoph Ransmayr, The Last World; the PEN West Literary Award in Translation, the German Literary Prize of the American Translator’s Association, and an Outstanding Translation Award of the American Literary Translation Association (1995) for Arno Schmidt, Collected Novellas; the Helen and Kurt Wolff Prize (1996) for Thomas Mann, The Magic Mountain and Arno Schmidt, Nobodaddy’s Children. In 2008 he also was awarded the Goethe Medal of the Federal Republic of Germany for his contribution to making German culture available to English speaking readers. He has recently completed his translation of Arno Schmidt’s Zettel’s Traum (Eng. Bottom’s Dream), which will be published in the fall of 2016.