Buddenbrooks. Verfall einer Familie
© S. Fischer Verlag, Frankfurt/Main
Hermed begyndte nogle dejlige sommeruger for Tony Buddenbrook, behageligere og morsommere, end hun nogen sinde før havde oplevet i Travemünde. [...]
And so began Tony Buddenbrook’s summer vacation – a few lovely weeks more pleasant and amusing than she had ever spent in Travemünde. [...]
Nõnda algasid Tooni Buddenbrookil kaunid suvenädalad, lõbusamad ja meeldivamad, mis ta iial veetnud Travemündes. [...]
© S. Fischer Verlag, Frankfurt
Tästä alkoivat Tony Buddenbrookin kauniit kesäviikot, rattoisimmat ja miellyttävimmät hänen koskaan Travemündessä viettämänsä. [...]
© S. Fischer Verlag, Frankfurt /
Nú hófst fögur sumartíđ fyrir Toný Búddenbrook, skemmtilegri og ljúfari en nokkru sinni fyrr í Travemünde. [...]
© S. Fischer Verlag, Frankfurt /
Sākās jaukas un gaišas vasaras dienas, interesantākas un patīkamākas, kāadas Tonija Budenbroka Trāvemindējebkad bija piedzīvojusi. [...]
© S. Fischer Verlag, Frankfurt /
Taip prasidėjo Antonijai Budenbrok gražiosios vasaros savaitės, greičiau prabėgusios ir malonesnės už visas bet kada anksčiau praleistas Travemiundėje. [...]
© S. Fischer Verlag, Frankfurt /
Og nå begynte noen herlige sommeruker for Tony, hyggeligere og morsommere enn hun før hadde opplevd i Travemünde. [...]
© S. Fischer Verlag, Frankfurt / Gyldendal
Dla Toni rozpoczęly się piękne dni letnie, weselsze i milsze od wszystkich, jakie kiedykolwiek spędziła w Travemünde. [...]
© S. Fischer Verlag, Frankfurt /
Так начались для Тони Будденброк эти летние дни, счастливые и быстролетные, каких она еще не знавала в Травемюнде. [...]
© S. Fischer Verlag, Frankfurt /
Härmed började för Tony Buddenbrook sköna sommarveckor, nöjsammare och angenämare än hon någonsin hade upplevt i Travemünde. [...]
Country in which the text is setGermany
Featured locationsLübeckTravemündeMöwenstein (Mövenstein)
ImpactThe novel portrays the fate of a patrician family in Lübeck between 1835 and 1877. Over four generations the family’s “decline” accelerates as the men become increasingly alienated from their inherited profession as merchants due to their increasing refinement and attraction to the life of the mind (music, philosophy). Their lifespan decreases from generation to generation. Along with her brothers Thomas and Christian, Tony Buddenbrooks belongs to the third generation and ultimately proves the most vital and hardy of the siblings. But she too is forced to make sacrifices. Shortly after coming of age she faces pressure from her family to marry a man she does not love, Bendix Grünlich, who is presented almost as a caricature of a businessman. However, Tony is permitted a brief hiatus in Travemünde, where she finds true love for only time in her life, a relationship she subsequently sacrifices for the “firm.”
When writing about himself, Thomas Mann frequently refers to Buddenbrooks, his most popular novel and the one that saw his breakthrough as an author. The texts Bilse und ich (1906) and Lübeck als Geistige Lebensform (1926) are essential reading for any interpretation of Buddenbrooks. In both these texts Mann argues against an overly ‘realistic,’ autobiographic interpretation of the novel and particularly against seeing the work as somehow “peeking” into Lübeck society. In his portrayal of student-fraternity (Burschenschaft) member Morten Schwarzkopf, Mann seems to have drawn on the work of esteemed Danish literary critic Georg Brandes: Die Hauptströmungen der Literatur des 19. Jahrhunderts (Danish 1871 ff, German 1897, see vol.6: Das Junge Deutschland)
Nobel Prize 1929 “in particular for [...] Buddenbrooks [...] as a classic work of modern times“, by 1930 the number of copies published had crossed the one-million mark.
Hans Peter Neureuter
BalticnessOn a symbolic level the Baltic Sea—like love—comes to represent Tony’s experience of the infinite, the sea becomes the experience of the endless abyss.
Bibliographic informationThomas Mann: Buddenbrooks. Verfall einer Familie. Novel. Edited and revised by Eckhard Heftrich in cooperation with Stephan Stachorski and Herbert Lehnert. Große kommentierte Frankfurter Ausgabe. Werke – Briefe – Tagebücher, vol. 1.1, p.145-158 (part 3, chapters 8-9); Kommentarband 1.2; Frankfurt am Main 2002.
Language Year Translator Danish 1903 L. Stange Danish 1953 Johannes Wulff Danish 2002 Niels Brunse English 1935 Helen Tracy Lowe-Porter English 1994 John E. Woods Estonian 1936 Jaan Kangilaski Finnish 1925 Siiri Siegberg Finnish 2010 Ilona Nykyri Icelandic 1999 Þorbjörg Bjarnar Friðriksdó́ttir Latvian 1929 Lizete Skalbe, Kārlis Štrāls, Zelma Kroder Lithuanian 1930 K. Karnauskas Lithuanian 1968 J. Vaznelis Norwegian 1952 Margrethe Kjær Norwegian 2005 Per Paulsen Polish 1931 Ewa Librowiczowa Polish 1971 Ewa Librowiczowa, rev. by Jan Bokiewicz, Wojciech Freudenreich Russian 1935 V. A. Zorgenfreja Russian 1953 Natalia Man Swedish 1904 Walborg Hedberg Swedish 1930 Alfred Wingren Swedish 1934 Curt Munthe Swedish 1952 Walborg Hedberg, rev. by Irma Nordvang Swedish 1975 Walborg Hedberg, rev. by Nils Holmberg Swedish 2005 Ulrika Wallenström -
Year of first publication1901
Place of first publicationBerlin