It is now 4 years since we last met in Rostock. At this very moment the Baltic Sea Library hosts more than 100 essays, 500 texts by more than 350 authors. Due to the support from the Neustart Kultur-program by the German government translations to German have had priority during the last two years.

Klaus-Jürgen Liedtke informed about new texts included in the library:

  • Jarosŀaw Iwaszkiewicz, Petersburg (in German, Jan Balbierz praised the translation by Lisa Palmes)
  • Klaus Mann, Nördlicher Sommer. Reiseskizze (German)
  • Paavo Haavikko, Audun ja jääkarhu (Radio play in Finnish)
  • Friedbert Tuglas, Mälestused / Youth memories (in German)
  • Nikolai Kharuzin, Russkie lopari (in Russian, German and Swedish).

Essays by

  • Andreas Kelletat, Audun, Freya und Münchhausen. On Haavikko`s radio plays (in German)


  • Christer Westerdahl, Nya tankar om labyrinter / New Thoughts about Mazes (in Swedish and German)

Proposals for new texts:

  • Matthias Alexander Castrén, Midsummer on Aavasaksa and Travel thorugh Lapland in 1838
  • Gunnar Ekelöf, Karelian Pilgrimage 1938 (copyright by Suzanne Ekelöf, his daughter)
  • Poems by Carl Michael Bellman, Anna Rydstedt and Lennart Sjögren

Proposal by Johanna Domokos to open a translingualism subsite along the national literary categories, including such marvelous Baltic authors as Cia Rinne, Sabira Ståhlberg or Øyvind Rimbereid.

Proposal by Johanna Domokos and Sabira Ståhlberg: to hold a conference at ZiF (Center for Interdisciplinary Research), Bielefeld University, in a year ́s time, June 2023, arranged by Forum Mare Balticum and Langueflow (

Theme: Latent and manifest multilingualism in Baltic Sea Literature/Library texts

The Baltic Sea Region is not only an area with dramatic geo-, global and state-political developments, but also a cultural area subject to constant multilingual interference. The aim of this conference is to shed light on the linguistic strategies these literatures manifest from covert/hidden code-switching to overt/manifest modes. The organizers suggest participants investigating the authors and texts included in the online library edited by Klaus-Jürgen Liedtke (, but analysis of other authors and texts are welcome, too. After peer-review editing of the presentations, suitable studies can be published online at: 

We will also investigate the possibilities for a translation fund and for producing a podcast about the Baltic Sea Library. 

The political situation had made us feel paralyzed and upset and we feel with Polina Lisvskaya in St. Petersburg.

Some four members of our supporting association Forum Mare Balticum e.V. will travel from Tallinn to Keri Island on 26 August (if weather allows, the boat can only take ten people at once).