Project leader and chief editor:

Born in Enge/Germany in 1950.
Scandinavian, German and American Studies in Kiel, Uppsala, Berlin and Turku.
Poet („Scherben Leben Brocken Tod. Gedichte 1969-99“. Berlin: Gemini 2001), prose writer („Die versunkene Welt. Ein ostpreußisches Dorf in Erzählungen der Leute“. Frankfurt/Main: Eichborn 2008) and translator of Swedish and Finnish-Swedish fiction since 1977 (Gunnar Ekelöf in 7 volumes, Göran Sonnevi, Lennart Sjögren, Bo Carpelan, Elmer Diktonius, Edith Södergran, Carl Jonas Love Almquist, Kjell Espmark, etc). Member of the German Writers' Union, PEN Germany, the Baltic Writers' Council Visby and the Three Seas Writers and Translators' Council Rhodos. Member of the board of the Johannes-Bobrowski-Society. In 2000 interim director at the Baltic Centre for Writers and Translators in Visby. Various scholarships and awards, among others Translators' prize of the Swedish Academy 1993 and 2004 and the Paul-Celan-Prize for Literary Translation 2005.
berg (at)