Swedish Literature:

Born in Mariehamn (Åland Islands), Finland in 1943.
Studied English and Comparative Literature at Åbo Akademi University (Finland) and TCD Dublin, research study at Columbia U. (NYC). Ph.D. from ÅA U. (Beckett and Broadcasting, 1976). Opinionens tryck 1985; Gen. Ed., Finlands svenska litteraturhistoria II (1900-talet) 2000; Coeditor, Z. Topelius Lyrik I (2010).
ÅA U. Professor of Comp. Lit. 1986-2008. Faculty Dean 2001-2002. Visiting prof., U. of Minnesota, 1996. Academia Europaea fellow 1995.
Board member, The Samuel Beckett Society 1995-1999, The Swedish Literature Society of Finland 2003- , International Assoc. of Scandinavian Studies 2000-2010. On the team for the almanac and book series Trajekt 1981-1986.
Translator (Eng., Finn., Ger. &c.). Awards include the Finnish State prize for Hamlet (Sw.) 1984 and the Swedish Academy Finland prize 1995.