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Thieme, August

Gotthard Christian August Thieme was born 1780 in Allstedt, Thuringia. His father was a Deacon, and his mother was a descendant of the influential Wahl family. At the time, a member of the Wahl family emigrated to Wiborg, where the Wahls became one of the leading families.

August Thieme studied theology in Halle and Jena until 1802. He then followed his relative to Finland, where he was employed by the von Daehn family as a tutor on the estate of Sippola. In 1803 he accepted teaching post in the German-speaking Katharinenschule in St.Petersburg. Two years later he accepted a request to teach at the newly founded German-speaking grammar school in Wiborg and was also appointed as inspector of two subordinate school districts.

Thieme published poetry, drama and scholarly essays on Finland in the St. Petersburg journals Ruthenia, Wega and Nordisches Taschenbuch. His works include a Finnish grammar, the manuscript of which has been lost, and he discovered some Finnish folk poetry.

When Thieme’s mother became seriously unwell in 1811, the family returned to Allstedt, where Thieme took up the post of vicar after holding several local lower clerical posts. In the 1840s he started to publish poetry again: two volumes of his work were printed in 1848 and 1850, and a second edition was published in 1855.

During the revolution of 1848 he was politically active, presenting a moderate view. Thieme died in 1860 in Allstedt.

Johannes Roeßler / Robert Schweitzer
(Cf. Johannes Roeßler: „August Thieme: ein Stiller im Lande“ in: Robert Schweitzer (Hrsg.): August Thieme: Finnland, Helsinki: ²2019, S. 138-141 (Engl. p. 157-160).)