Author Image Text Language
Miller, Voldemar Miller, Voldemar Image 1
Reis Revelisse (Translation of "Поездка в Ревель" from Russian)
Miłosz, Czesław Miłosz, Czesław Image 1
Rodzinna Europa
Mitchell, Cajsa Mitchell, Cajsa Image 1

Cajsa Mitchell
Elfte romanen, artonde boken (Translation of "Ellevte roman, bok atten" from Norwegian)
Molin, Gösta Gideon Molin, Gösta Gideon Image 1

Gösta Gideon Molin
Resan till Tilsit (Translation of "Die Reise nach Tilsit" from German)
Möllring, Christina Möllring, Christina Image 1
Neue Erkenntnisse über Labyrinthe (Translation of an Essay by Christer Westerdahl from Swedish)
Monschein, Kerstin Monschein, Kerstin Image 1

Kerstin Monschein
(Translation of "Детство с Куоккалой и Достоевским" from Russian)
Moreino, Sergey Moreino, Sergey Image 1

Sergey Moreino
Детство (Translation of "Kindheit" from German)
Деревня Толминкемен (Translation of "Das Dorf Tolmingkehmen" from German)
Каунас, 1941 (Translation of "Kaunas 1941" from German)
Латышские песни (Translation of "Lettische Lieder" from German)
Алексис Киви (Translation of "Aleksis Kivi" from German)
Девять ночей бога Одина (Translation of "Dieva Odina deviņas naktis" from Latvian)
Из истории Латвии: Вецрига (Translation of "Latvijas vēstures motīvs: Vecrīga" from Latvian)
Latvju dziesmas (Translation of "Lettische Lieder" from German)
Ziņojums (Translation of "Bericht" from German)
Ullai Vīnbladai (Translation of "An Ulla Winblad" from German)
Text als Ort (Essay)
Колка (Translation from Latvian)
Побережье. Поселок (Translation of "Jūrmalciems" from Latvian)
Latvian, Russian
Moster, Stefan Moster, Stefan Image 1

Stefan Moster © Matthias Bothor
Das weiße Schiff von Lasnamäki (Translation of "Lasnamäen valkea laiva" from Finnish)
Müller, Eduard Müller, Eduard Image 1
Murmann, Maximilian Murmann, Maximilian Image 1
Weiße Nächte und schwarze (Translation of a Letter by Jaan Kaplinski from Finnish)
Jugenderinnerungen (Translation of "Mälestused" from Estonian)
Muschick, Vytenė Muschick, Vytenė Image 1

▲© Jurga Graf
Die Schere von Esther (Translation of an Essay by Mindaugas Kvietkauskas from Lithuanian)
Toli yra gana arti (Translation of "Die Ferne ist nah genug" from German)
Neureuter, Hans Peter Neureuter, Hans Peter Image 1
Niedner, Felix Niedner, Felix Image 1

© Eugen Diederichs Verlag Jena
Der Eisbär-Audun (Translation of "Auðunar þáttr vestfirzka" from Icelandic)
Die Geschichte von König Olaf Tryggvissohn (Translation of "Ólafs saga Tryggvasonar" from Icelandic)
Mollbergs Verprügelung im Kruge Rostock (Translation of "Tjenare, Mollberg, hur är det fatt?" from Swedish)
Nielsen, Peter Nielsen, Peter Image 1

Peter Nielsen
Østersøer (Translation of "Östersjöar" from Swedish)
Nilsson, Lars-Inge Nilsson, Lars-Inge Image 1

Lars-Inge Nilsson
Barndom (Translation of "Kindheit" from German)
Byn Tolmingkehmen (Translation of "Das Dorf Tolmingkehmen" from German)
Rapport (Translation of "Bericht" from German)
Till Ulla Winblad (Translation of "An Ulla Winblad" from German)

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